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Colmar, PA 18915


Spring is in the air

dog spring season

Here are a few tips to keep your pets happy and healthy during the upcoming warm months


Exercising with your pet is mutually beneficial for both physical and mental health, and is often overlooked during the cold months of the year. Fifteen minutes of play time with your cat or a 1-mile walk with your dog does wonders to combat boredom, strengthen the bond between you and your pet, and improve physical health. Be sure to provide plenty of water, particularly on hot days!

Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm is a parasitic disease spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. If left untreated, heartworm can cause clinical signs including severe weight loss, fainting, coughing of blood and ultimately congestive heart failure.

Prevention is key! Ask Dr. Platt about the options available to combat this serious disease.

Flea and Tick Prevention

As the weather warms up and your pets spend more time outdoors, they are exposed to fleas and ticks which can spread a number of serious illnesses. Talk to Dr. Platt about the oral and topical treatment options available to repel these critters and keep your pet bug-free.

Finally, make it a habit to check your pets for ticks on a daily basis especially if they spend time in wooded and grassy areas.

Lawn and Garden Risks

Fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides certainly help us achieve the lush, green lawns we all love to see in the spring time, but many of these products pose serious health risks to your pets if ingested.

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying these products to your lawn and be sure to keep all chemicals out of your pets’ reach.